Today marks the first day of spring. Summer is just around the corner which means that your in-room air conditioners are going to be working harder than ever! With the current global rise in power costs, it is almost certain that hotels will have to take some action to reduce in-room energy wastage. These costs occur when air conditioners are left running while there are no guests in the room. Thankfully there is a solution at hand!
By installing a quality energy management system such as Energy Eye, hotels can be assured that HVAC systems will not be working unnecessarily when there are no guests in the rooms.
The HVAC system is the largest consumer of power in all hotels. By reducing this single source of wastage (occupancy based control), hotels will ultimately reduce their energy costs. The Energy Eye product is non-intrusive and will not compromise on guest comfort.
The Energy Eye product is a simple, practical to install, quality, cost effective energy management system that achieves high savings to hotels. In fact, it has an estimated ROI of 2-3 (or less) years and helps achieve sustainability targets and "green" marketing opportunities for your hotel
The IBIS Hotel at Sydney Olympic Park recently completed a successful installation of the Energy Eye system. This hotel was formerly using the Key Card control system. Energy Eye offers many advantages above the Key-Card system. Key-card systems are generally by-passed by guests. This is done through inserting second keys, business cards or similar devices to override the switch and are thus are not really effective in achieving energy savings. With the Energy Eye system, control of the power management in the guest rooms is fully automatic and does not require the guest to be involved in the energy saving process. Because the IBIS Hotel is an existing hotel, and due to the Energy Eye system being a wireless system, installation for the complete hotel took under 2 weeks. The average installation time per room is 30 minutes. Rooms do not have to be put out of service, thus installation does not cause a loss of revenue for hotels.
Call Smart Hotel Solutions now on 1300 796 471 to discuss your needs and beat the power crunch for Summer !!
About Smart Hotel Solutions Pty Ltd | SHS is a leading provider of energy management solutions to the hotel industry in Australia and includes management with decades of combined experience in guestroom technology integration and HVAC mechanical service. The company can be contacted by visiting their website or by calling 1300 796 471 within Australia.
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